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YouTube 「海ゆかば」 (右クリック「新しいウインドウで開く」) |
海ゆかば 水漬(みづ)く屍(かばね) 山ゆかば 草生(くさむ)す屍 大君(おおきみ)の 辺(へ)にこそ死なめ 返り見はせじ (間奏) 大君の 辺にこそ死なめ 返り見はせじ If I go far away to the sea I shall leave my bones there If I go far away to the mountains I shall leave my bones there Without one regret I shall die for His Majesty And for my fatherland (Interlude) Without one regret I shall die for His Majesty And for my fatherland 無断引用・使用厳禁 Copyrighted © |
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