みどりのそよ風 いい日だね
蝶蝶(ちょうちょ)もひらひら 豆のはな
七色畑に 妹の
つまみ菜摘む手が かわいいな
An early summer beautiful day and its gentle breeze
Butterflies are circling around the red pea flowers
In the seven-colored vegetable field around my house
My sister’s tiny hands are so cute when picking young greens
みどりのそよ風 いい日だね
ぶらんこゆりましょ 歌いましょ
巣箱の丸窓 ねんねどり
ときどきおつむが のぞいてる
An early summer beautiful day and its gentle breeze
Let’s push the swing together, let’s sing a song together
From the birdhouse’s round window, tiny sleepy heads appear
You can see every now and then, how lovely they look
みどりのそよ風 いい日だね
ボールがぽんぽん ストライク
打たせりゃ二塁の すべり込み
セーフだおでこの 汗をふく
An early summer beautiful day and its gentle breeze
The pitcher threw strikes one right after the other
When he lets the batter hit the ball, it’s just as far as second base
The runner slid headfast to safety and wiped off his sweat
みどりのそよ風 いい日だね
小川のふなつり うきが浮く
静かなさざなみ はねあげて
きらきら金ぶな 嬉しいな
An early summer beautiful day and its gentle breeze
In the stream children fish for minnows
with the float on the line
Water splashes, ripples, and there appears a fish
Glittering in the sunlight a golden minnow it was
みどりのそよ風 いい日だね
遊びにいこうよ 丘越えて
あの子のおうちの 花ばたけ
もうじき苺も 摘めるとさ
An early summer beautiful day and its gentle breeze
Let’s go up and down the hill, let’s go beyond it
My good friend tells me about his flower garden
The time is coming soon for us to pick berries there
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