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指に足(た)りない 一寸法師
小さい体(からだ)に 大きな望(のぞ)み
お椀(わん)の舟に 箸(はし)の櫂(かい)
京(きょう)へはるばる のぼりゆく
Shorter than a finger, One-Inch Boy
In his tiny body he's got a big dream
In a wooden-bowl boat with a chopstick oar
One day he rowed far out to Kyo
京は三条(さんじょう)の 大臣殿(だいじんどの)に
かかえられたる 一寸法師
法師 法師と お気にいり
姫(ひめ)のお供(とも)で C水(きよみず)へ
Employed by a minister in Kyo Sanjo
In his residence went to work, this One-Inch Boy
One-Inch, One-Inch, the minister's favorite
One day he went to Kiyomizu with the princess
さてもかえりの C水坂(ざか)に
鬼が一匹 あらわれいでて
くってかかれば その口へ
法師たちまち おどりこむ
Then, at Kiyomizuzaka, on their way
back home
A Devil barred the way, looking so threatening
Bent and stared and gulped and gone
The One-Inch Boy! Swallowed up at at once
針の太刀(たち)おば さか手に持って
ちくりちくりと 腹じゅうつけば
鬼は法師を はきだして
一所懸命 にげてゆく
Inside the Devil's gut, a needle in his hand
He pricked and pricked the Devil from inside
The Devil couldn't bear it and spit him up
Then ran away from One-Inch as fast as he could
鬼が忘(わす)れた 打出(うちで)の小槌(こづち)
打てば不思議や 一寸法師
ひと打ちごとに 背が伸(の)びて
今はりっぱな 大男(おおおとこ)
A magic good luck mallet left by the Devil
Worked on brave One-Inch a wonder of wonders
Each swing of the mallet made him taller
Now there he stands: a great handsome man