
第1部 問題編

机の中を整理していたら、まだ、フロッピーディスクが一般的だった頃に書いた原稿が出てきた。敬愛する Leo G. Perkins 氏旧文部省英語教科書調査顧問; のちに明海大学教授・名誉教授;故人の指導のもとにまとめたものだ。某高等学校の英語の入試問題として出題されたものの一部が対象になっている解答としての選択肢は省略。その英語の質から判断して、おそらく“日本人(英語教師)”が原案を作り、英語母語話者(いわゆる“ネイティヴスピーカー”)が居る場合は、その人(たち)に目を通してもらったものだろう。だが、日本人だからと言って、すべての日本人の語感が優れているとは限らないように、英語母語話者にも“ピンからキリまで”あるから、以下に見るような英語が英語母語話者(たち)の目を通っているとすれば、その人たちの言語感覚には首を傾げざるを得ない。ただし、英語母語話者の目を一度も通さずに、日本人英語教師だけが書いた英文かも知れないし、その英文に基づいて作問したものかも知れない。

Q1) Your friend asks you to play tennis. But you are too busy to play. At that time, what do
you say to your friend?

Q2) You must begin to do your homework. But your sister is playing the piano in your room.
It is difficult for you to study. At that time, what do you say to your sister?

Q3) You are talking with your friend. He says that he's going to Hokkaido for skiing with his
father this Friday. At that time, what do you say to your friend?

Q4) My fourteenth birthday came with a lot of presents from my friends. One of them was
a basketball from my Japanese friend, Kenji. I still keep it in my room.

Q5) Anna is a junior high school student. Her class is going to show something about recy-
cling at the school festival next month. Today, she and some other students in her class are
having a meeting.
Anna : Does anyone have a good idea?
Fred : Yes. Listen. How about showing a video at the festival? I've found a good video. Its
name is "Save the Earth by Recycling." We can borrow it from the city library.




Kenji was thirteen when he came to my town that July. He was a junior high school student.
He came to study English for the summer at a language school. I felt excited because my
parents said that he was going to stay with us. Kenji was not good at speaking English. But
we talked together in simple English during the first week.
The next week, Kenji became quiet. After he came back from school, he stayed in his room
and didn't talk. My parents worried about that. Many times I tried to talk to him. He said he
wanted to be alone. I thought maybe Kenji was just homesick.
One afternoon, I found Kenji in the park near my house. He was playing basketball alone.
"Hi, Kenji!" I said. He only said, "Hi!" He didn't stop playing. I didn't know what to say. His
face showed he would not talk. I had to leave.
When I was walking with my friends a few days later, I saw Kenji in the park. He was playing
basketball again. This time I asked him to play basketball with us. He said O.K. My friends and
I found that he played very well. We said, "Kenji, you are a great player. Please teach us." Kenji
looked very happy. When we were playing, Kenji began to talk again. We had a very good time.
When Kenji and I were walking back home, he said, "Sorry, Jim, I just haven't wanted to talk.
Everyone in my class was afraid to making mistakes. But now I know that I must not be afraid.
I must talk if I want to understand people and if I want people to understand me, too." After
that, Kenji never worried about his English, and he talked with my family a lot.



In Japan, parents celebrate the growth of their children to adults when their sons or daughters
become twenty years old. So my wife and I celebrate the growth of our daughter (her name is
Toshiko) with Japanese traditional costume "kimono" garment made from silk, and went to the
famous shrine in order to pray for her happiness and success.

第2部 解答編


Q1) Your friend asks you to play tennis. But you are too busy to play. At that time,
  what do you say to your friend?

   【解説】まず、Your friend だが、これだと友達は一人しかいないというようにも解釈出来るし、何人もいるとしてもその中から一人だけを選び出した (single out) 特別な友人というような響きになる。第1文と第2文は連続した思考だから、第1文で切って、第2文を接続詞の Butで始めるのは文体的にも稚拙。第2文の to play は“あらずもがな”。At that time という言い方も不要。したがって、英語らしい英語で書き直せば What do you say when someone asks you to play tennis, but you are too busy? とする。これで問題文3文が1文で簡潔に表わせる。

Q2) You must begin to do your homework. But your sister is playing the piano in
your room. It is difficult for you to study. At that time, what do you say to your

   【解説】日本人英語学習者は第1文に見るような助動詞 must の使用が好きだが、これは意味的に強すぎる。have to で十分。また、日本人英語学習者は begin という動詞も好きだが、この語は何か童話や年少者の読む物語本に出てくることが多いもので、start の方が一般的 (ただしここではそれさえも不要)。第2文だが、一般のアメリカ人家庭では、たとえ姉妹であっても、姉あるいは妹の部屋(普通は寝室を連想する)のピアノを弾くということは不自然だ。なぜなら、ピアノは普通、リビングルームか、ピアノ・音楽などを楽しむための別室に設置してあるからだ。したがって、It is difficult for you to study.と続くのは変だ。また、日本人はdifficultという形容詞が好きだが、英語では日常的には hard のほうが多く用いられる。ここでもat that timeは不要。以上のことを念頭に置いて、全体を書き直せばWhat do you say to your sister when her playing the piano bothers you when you're doing your homework? となる。

Q3) You are talking with your friend. He says that he's going to Hokkaido for skiing
with his father this Friday. At that time, what do you say to your friend?

   【解説】第1文は全く不要。第2文のfor skiing は英語としては to ski とするのが自然。his fatherのfather は改まった語だから dad がよい。ここでもat that timeは不要。全体を自然な英語で書き直せば What do you say when your friend says he's going to Hokkaido with his dad this Friday to ski? となる。Q1の場合と異なり、ここでは your friend でよい。なぜなら、何人も[か]いる友人たちのうちの一人のことを話しているからだ。

Q4) My fourteenth birthday came with a lot of presents from my friends. One of
them was a basketball from my Japanese friend, Kenji. I still keep it in my room.

   【解説】ここで come with を使うのは不自然。友人たち(my friends)からプレゼントをもらうというのは、英語国民にとっては不自然に響く。なぜなら、人の誕生日には、まず家族の者からのプレゼントを連想するからだ。もらったプレゼントに one of them というように言及するのも非英語的。英語らしい英語で全体を書き直せば、I got a lot of presents on my fourteenth birthday. I got a basketball from Japanese friend, Kenji. I still have it in my room.となる。keep it の keep は have と言うのが普通。

Q5) Anna is a junior high school student. Her class is going to show something about
recycling at the school festival next month. Today, she and some other students in her
class are having a meeting.
Anna : Does anyone have a good idea?
Fred : Yes. Listen. How about showing a video at the festival? I've found a good video.
Its name is "Save the Earth by Recycling." We can borrow it from the city library.

   【解説】 説明文が“ぶつ切り”になっていて、全体的にまとめなおす必要がある。英語らしく簡潔に書き直せば次のようになる。Anne is meeting with some junior high school classmates to talk about showing something about recycling at next month's school festival.となる。
    Does anyone have a good idea?という聞き方も What can we do for the festival?とするのが英語的。
    Fred がYes. Listen. と応えているが、英語としては不自然・不要。I've found a good video.の find も get を用いるのが普通 (ここではfound)。Its name is ...という言い方も不自然。We can borrow it from ...も不自然。つまりは、英語を母語とする中学生・高校生の日常的発想に基づいて出てくる英語ではない。Fred の対応文を全体的に書き直せば、Why don't we show a video? We can get the video "Save the Earth by Recycling" from the city library.となる。 

B) 高校入試英語の「日本人性」をチェックする(1)の解答

Kenji was thirteen when he came to my town that July. He was a junior high school student.
He came to study English for the summer at a language school. I felt excited because my
parents said that he was going to stay with us. Kenji was not good at speaking English. But
we talked together in simple English during the first week.

   【解説】最初の3文は1文に簡略化できるし、そのほうが英語的だ。具体的には、Kenji, a junior high school student, was thirteen when he came in July to study English.となる。原文にある to my town, for the summer は“あらずもがな”なもの。I felt excited の feel も日本人学習者が好む語だが、英語では I was happy when my parents told me he was going to stay with us.と言うほうが簡明。was not good at speaking English の be good at...も日本人学習者は好んで用いるが、英語的には He couldn't speak English very well. のような言い方が好まれる。But...together during の箇所も The first week we talked in simple English.とするほうが簡明な英語になる。 

The next week, Kenji became quiet. After he came back from school, he stayed in his room
and didn't talk. My parents worried about that. Many times I tried to talk to him. He said he
wanted to be alone. I thought maybe Kenji was just homesick.

   【解説】第1文のbecome quiet も日本人好みの言い方だが、英語では was quiet と言うか、didn't talk と言うほうが普通。came back は came home と言うほうが普通。 ここを全体的に、英語らしく書き直せば、たとえば The second week Kenji was very quiet. My parents were worried because when he came home from school he said in his room and didn't talk. It ried, several times, to talk to hi, but he said he wanted to be alone. I thought maybe he was just homesick.のようになる。

One afternoon, I found Kenji in the park near my house. He was playing basketball alone.
"Hi, Kenji!" I said. I smiled. He only said, "Hi!" He didn't stop playing. I didn't know what to say. His
face showed he would not talk. I had to leave.

   【解説】第1文の foundも動詞の選択としては不自然。第1文と第2文を合体させて、One afternoon I saw Kenji playing basketball by himself in the park near my house. のように言う方が自然。第5文の He didn't stop playing は He kept on playing. とするほうが自然。 His face showed he would not talk. は The look on his face showed that he didn't want to talk.とするほうが自然。最後の I had to leave. はI decided to leave.のような言い方のほうが自然。

When I was walking with my friends a few days later, I saw Kenji in the park. He was playing
basketball again. This time I asked him to play basketball with us. He said O.K. My friends and
I found that he played very well. We said, "Kenji, you are a great player. Please teach us." Kenji
looked very happy. When we were playing, Kenji began to talk again. We had a very good time.
When Kenji and I were walking back home, he said, "Sorry, Jim, I just haven't wanted to talk.
Everyone in my class was afraid to making mistakes. But now I know that I must not be afraid.
I must talk if I want to understand people and if I want people to understand me, too." After
that, Kenji never worried about his English, and he talked with my family a lot.   

   【解説】第1文〜第3文は1文にまとめて A few days later, while walking with some friends, I saw Kenji playing baslketball in the park. とするほうが簡明な英語になる(againは不要)。第3文の this time も不要。第5文のMy friends and I found that he played very well.はHe played very well.と言うだけで十分 (foundも日本人好みだが、英語としては不自然)。第6文文頭の We said を「不自然」だと思う日本人学習者はいないだろうが、英語母語話者のうちの語感の優れた人たちには、we と呼べる“全員”が(同時に)“同じこと”を言ったかのように響く。We told he was a good player and asked him to teach us to play.とすれば英語的になる。第7文の Kenji looked very happy.のlooked はwas が好ましい。第8文のKenji began to talk again はいかにも童話か年少者用の物語本を連想させる。英語ではKenji started talking again.とする。第9文We had a very good time.の good はないほうが自然。第10文文頭のbutは不要。must not は強く響きすぎる。I realize I shouldn't be afraid.とするとよい。I must talk も強すぎる言い方。I have to talk if I want to understand people and want them to understand me.とすれば自然に響く。



In Japan, parents celebrate the growth of their children to adults when their sons or daughters
become twenty years old. So my wife and I celebrate the growth of our daughter (her name is
Toshiko) with Japanese traditional costume "kimono" garment made from silk, and went to the
famous shrine in order to pray for her happiness and success.

   【解説】第1文のparents celebrate だが、自分の子供が成人したのを機に、その成長を祝うのは何も”親”だけではない。親の親(すなわち祖父母)を含めて、家族のほかの構成員も、また当人と親しい人たちも加わって祝うのが普通だから、わざわざ parentsに限定する必要はない。celebrate the growthは不自然。第2文文頭の so も英語としては不自然。 (her name is Toshiko) というような表現法も不自然。with Japanese traditional costume "kimono" garment made from silk ももっと簡明に言える。 in order to は堅い言い方だからin order を省略するほうがよい。the famous shrine の theはここでは不自然。したがって、英語らしい英語では In Japan, on January 15 (national holiday) we celebrate "coming-of-age" day when twenty-year-olds officially become adults and get the right to vote. My wife and I celebrated our daughter, Toshiko's, coming-of-age. She wore a traditional silk kimono, and we went to a famous shrine to pray for her happiness and success.